Responding to Hate in North Somerset

Responding to Hate in North Somerset

The Responding to Hate Incidents in North Somerset (RHINS) multi-agency partnership group was established in 2002 and leads the implementation of the North Somerset Hate Crime strategy. The purpose of RHINS is to:

  • promote best practice and collaborative working between local agencies, support organisations and members of the community involved with hate incidents in North Somerset.
  • achieve consistency of approach and effective resolution of hate incidents across partner agencies.
  • identify any hate crime issues using available partnership data and to collaborate and use the resources of all partners to tackle identified issues
  • raise awareness of and improve confidence in the reporting procedure as well as unblock any blockages in reporting
  • give support and guidance on the development of partner policies and procedures that relate to hate incidents or the promotion of equality, diversity and community cohesion.

North Somerset Hate Crime Strategy

For more information about our approach to tackling hate crime in North Somerset, read our hate crime strategy.

Report hate crime

If you are a victim of hate crime or witness an incident or behaviour that you think is, or could be, a hate crime, please don’t ignore it, report it.