Modern slavery

Modern slavery

Modern slavery covers a wide range of abuse and exploitation which includes:

  • sexual exploitation
  • domestic servitude
  • labour exploitation
  • criminal exploitation
  • slavery
  • forced labour
  • organ trafficking

Victims of modern slavery can be any age, gender, nationality or ethnicity. Signs that somebody could be a victim of modern slavery include:

  • behaviour – withdrawn, scared, not willing to talk, doesn’t speak English
  • appearance – unkempt, malnourished, few possessions, health concerns
  • work – inappropriate clothing for job, long hours, little or no pay
  • fear of authorities – doesn’t want to speak to police or other authorities
  • debt bondage – in debt to, or dependent on someone else
  • accommodation – overcrowded, poorly maintained, blacked-out windows
  • lack of control – no ID, no access to bank account, work transport provided
  • lack of freedom – unable to move freely, unwilling or scared to leave

If you think someone may be a victim of modern slavery, call the 24-hour modern slavery helpline.

Modern slavery helpline
Modern slavery statement

This statement sets out North Somerset Council’s actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and, its supply chains.