Anti-social behaviour fixed penalty notices
Anti-social behaviour fixed penalty notices
You must pay a fixed penalty notice (FPN) within 14 days if you are found in breach of a:
- Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO)
- Community Protection Notice (CPN)
Payment of an FPN discharges you of any liability to conviction for the offence listed on the notice.
How we issue notices
A Fixed Penalty Notice can be issued on the spot or by post.
If you are issued one in person, this will be done by one of our enforcement officers. These officers are employed either directly by us or by our contractor Local Authority Support. All of our officers carry a photo ID.
Please note that our enforcement officers are not authorised to take payment. Instructions on how to pay are included below.
How to pay
There are two different ways you can pay your FPN, depending on what reference number you have:
- if your reference number starts with FP - you will need to pay the notice with the council
- if your reference number is a nine digit number - you will need to pay via the Local Authority Support website
If your notice is a parking fine, you can pay this online via the button at the top of our Parking page.
You can make a complaint about the behaviour of the Enforcement Officer. These are dealt with as internal complaints. The FPN will still have to be paid if issued correctly by law.
To make a complaint, see our complaints page.